Based in Langley B.C. Canada, LittleHorse Studios & Entertainment connects musicians and venues together to develop and promote live music opportunities that benefit both parties. As a result we consider both Musicians and Venues as our clients. We aren't just about finding gigs for bands, we are also about finding bands for gigs.
coming soon
LittleHorse specializes in artists that deliver a unique experience for their audiences.
Playing and performing are two separate skill sets. Learn how to connect with your audiences to make them aware what to pay attention to on stage, and make their event more enjoyable.
coming soon
Restoring the Local Live Music Scene​
The close of a number of local Venues implies that the local Music Scene is declining. What are the root causes? What can be done to begin to stop this decline and hopefully restore a healthier industry like they did in Seattle?
Lets try to solve this complex puzzle together! This takes discussion and analysis, innovative solutions, and definitely more co-operation between Musicians and Venues.
If you have any positive ideas to suggest or contribute, please speak up in this specific forum.
The intent of this forum is not a grip session about 'them vs us' but preferably a constructive 'Think-Tank' to come identify issues and determine some corrective action.
Lets all work together to Keep Live Music Alive! Share your thoughts.